Sunday 18 November 2012

The secret is revealed

Assalamua'laikum to my fellow friends..
I don't know how to start my story so I made summary to tell my story.
Last night, I was shocked when I know the truth from my friend.
Finally the secret about one year has revealed when the person that I trusted so much told me something I don't know and I REALLY WANT TO KNOW! Thanks my friend :-)
You! Stop disturbing me and told me that you love me, you are such a liar, I shouldn't believe you at the first, you makes me and my feeling as a jokes! Arghh enough is ENOUGH!!
Now I know who are you and who you are? You're hiding behind your innocent face, your good behaviour but now I'm not stupid anymore to believe in everything you do! Thanks Allah because I never accepted your 'FALSE LOVE'

"I'VE never fall in love with any guy in the world... but just melting when see pious guy :P"

Wednesday 24 October 2012


hello all! how's your life? hope everything is going well. Err..but i'm NOT 

stressed?? maybe a bit because the need to STUDY..STUDY..AND...STUDY... fuhhh my brain is going to EXPLODED 

EXAM'S QUESTIONS IS SO HARD!!! sometimes, I wondering why lecturer make a hard question for students in exam! have a pity on me please...... Too lazy... ARGHHHHH -____-

Yeahh I know study is important BUT!!! the most important is our life maa..

It's not easy to acted COOL when you're not! STUDY ON TIME is not my style.. study WHEN YOU HAVE A MOOD and FOCUS as many as you can is MY STYLE haha :P

I just finished 1 PAPER ONLY it's FOUNDATION ENGLISH but it's so difficult and I don't have enough time to checked my answers back... uihhhhhh RUGIIIII..

4 PAPER more to go... pray for my best.. :)




                                                                                                        From my brain

Saturday 23 June 2012

Finally.. I can enter university with happily and more confident!

Assalamua'laikum my friends..

Now I feel relieved :) my parents gave me a strong spirit to me until tonight (pssst.. actually at midnight when i wrote this post hihihi) 

hahaha (LOL) nothing to worry anymore, everything has settled down by my parents. I just doing my duty to make sure already tidy neatly! fuhhhh penattttt!!
1- buys daily needs (foods, makeup and toiletries)
2- buys clothes (casual, formal, modest clothing and hijabs)
3- shuttle to shop for photocopied important documents  (certificate, I.C and etc)
4- find the right shoes to wear at KUIN's university for register 
5- almost had accident  with a car, motorcycle, lorry and trailer (urghh feels like jantung tercabut, mati hidup semula)
6- buys a luggage bag about RM 8+.++ (so expensive this luggage bag but it's comfortable)
7- fills up the form that they request to (masih belum siap isi.. malam nie cheq buat kot hehe..)
8- packing bag (arghh I'm so lazy to do this thing, but I have to.. all things I must pack by myself to make easy for me when i need to use all the thing and "special thing" Ahaa it's novel! I'm addicted to NOVELS, so I can't left them) shhh it's SECRET don't let my mom know about this! 
9- get ready to enter KUIN'S university wohooooo! time for study, don't be lazy! chaiyok2x, all the best, ganbatte! go go HUDA, "bittaufiq wa najah" hehehe I KNOW I CAN DO IT!
10- good bye "my paradise" "rumahku syurgaku" I'm gonna leaving my house on june 25 2012 at 8.30a.m :'( *I gonna miss my house, siblings and expecially MY PARENTS*  "inna Allaha ma'ana" sesengguhnya Allah bersama kita :) BUT EVERYTHING EXTREMELY FUN AND I GOT EXPERIENCED 

your faithfully,
هدى هارون

KUIN (we gonna meet soon!) verrryyyy soooonnn

Sunday 3 June 2012

Errr.. (counts the days to enter university) menghitung hari memasuki alam universiti

Assalamua'laikum.. Hello my lovely friends :)
it's has been a long time i'm not post a new entry haha :P (a super-duper buzy with my preparation to enter a KUIN's university)

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm so stressed to thinking about my course to intake JUN 2012

Firstly, my DAD says you can take any course (kuliyyah) you want.. and i said YESSS!! finally i can decide for my future plan. YAHOOOOO!! I did it! but after that my dad says HE wants me to apply a SYARIA'H 's course (kuliyyah syari'ah).

Secondly, my MOM so happy because i decided to take (kuliyyah lughah) but after I approved my field and KUIN's university accepted my application. My mom start to makes me confuse with my decision. Oh My... i don't believe this!! :(

Thirdly, I was excited to make preparation (persiapan masuk kolej/universiti). I'm feel so lonely in this world when I need to do everything without any support from my parent.. sometimes I'm feel like is it i'm HER REAL DAUGHTER of my parent?? or I just a ADOPTED CHILD.

Fourthly, I really needs a help or support from someone I love so much and I really hope any support from MY FRIENDS, PARENTS, SIBLINGS, MY RELATIVES. (errr.. can someone lend me money haha or spends me a lots of money because I need it as my neccesary.. arghhhh I know no one knows my PROBLEM except Allah.. so I just to ask for Allah helping me out of my problem..

Fifthly, I just a LITTLE DAUGHTER (19 years old) and annoying kid hahahahahaha and innocent girl in the world!! cheewaaahhhh

Psst : Someone please help me!!!

Monday 6 February 2012

Aku semakin 'lagha' dengan dunia.. Astaghfirullah..

Assalamua'laikum kawan-kawan bloggers..
Eh rasa macam dah lama tak post new entry kan?? hehe maklumlah busy sikit.. dengan muhasabah diri dan cuba menyelami hati dan perasaan sendiri. (bunyi mcm orang kecewa ja kan) tapi sebenarnya tidak.
just wanna sharing with u all.. i'm feel really grateful cause Allah still loves me.. he never let me heedless in this world "hiburan" and quickly made me realize that i'm was born to be somebody (a person valuable on race, religion and country) insha allah.
i got inspired by Imam Suhaib Webb through "religious programs" on TV9 at 7.00pm (during the Mawlid's day)
he (IMAM SUHAIB WEBB) told us that we should practice sunnah nabi MUHAMMAD S.A.W in our daily life!!! ISLAM is not fashion we don't need to wear like SHEIKH!! he made me realize something that i have forgotten about "the struggle of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W" selawat dan dalam buat JUNJUNGAN BESAR NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
For your information, Imam Suhaib Webb is really good talker about islam he knows everything about rasulullah and "sahabi" shame on me!! :( i studied in islamic school for 6 years but i'm always forgotten "hadis" and "sirah-sirah nabi" but he remembered everything about Rasulullah and started to make me cry when he said about "struggle of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W"
seriously, i told u guys i'm not perfect!! and nobody's perfect except Muhammad S.A.W!! each of Nabi has a "special du'a" to ask Allah and will granted by Allah (subhanallah)
know what!! the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W was delayed "special du'a" to be granted at hereafter.
see! how much the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W loves us!! he wanna his "syafaat" to be granted cause wanna help his "ummat" but why people nowdays not showing your love to Rasulullah.. it's not sacrifice your life and you don't need to fight like "sahabi" to said "أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد ان محمد رسول الله"
we need to prove that we loves him (MUHAMMAD S.A.W) by revive the SUNNAH of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
"A'mar makruf nahi munkar"
i don't want to be under the flag of LADY GAGA or JUSTIN BIEBER!!
i wanna to be under the flag of RASULULLAH S.A.W
takbir "Allahu Akbar" 3x
"صلى الله على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم"