Wednesday 13 February 2013

doing an Assignment during mid term breaks

Assalamua'alaikum... helloooooo u all!!!!

Todayyyy!!! I'm so stressed urghhhh I know that not nice to sighing.. but I have to.

Assignment that I have to finished it before end of MID TERM BREAKS

  • memorizing juzk 2 of AL-QURAN
  • assignment of ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE (but it's a group work) and (pair work) I don't have a friend to doing a pair work in the title of  "preposition" grammar
  • BAHAS in subject SARF and FIQH AL 'AM ( I've nobody to ask to) :(
  • preparing for Balaghah's mid term exam (amal sanah)
arghhhhhhhhhhh stressedddddd... but I've TO BE STRONG because that's is my task and duty as a Student's university 
my assignment
FEEL free to share your opinions and scold me. I don't care but I don't want to be friend with you anymore! I can't stand with your ugly behaviour maybe you forgot that I'm just an ordinary person that still do a mistake in my life AND NOBODY IS PERFECT and I have to admit that I HATE YOUUUUUUU~

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