Wednesday 13 February 2013

doing an Assignment during mid term breaks

Assalamua'alaikum... helloooooo u all!!!!

Todayyyy!!! I'm so stressed urghhhh I know that not nice to sighing.. but I have to.

Assignment that I have to finished it before end of MID TERM BREAKS

  • memorizing juzk 2 of AL-QURAN
  • assignment of ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE (but it's a group work) and (pair work) I don't have a friend to doing a pair work in the title of  "preposition" grammar
  • BAHAS in subject SARF and FIQH AL 'AM ( I've nobody to ask to) :(
  • preparing for Balaghah's mid term exam (amal sanah)
arghhhhhhhhhhh stressedddddd... but I've TO BE STRONG because that's is my task and duty as a Student's university 
my assignment
FEEL free to share your opinions and scold me. I don't care but I don't want to be friend with you anymore! I can't stand with your ugly behaviour maybe you forgot that I'm just an ordinary person that still do a mistake in my life AND NOBODY IS PERFECT and I have to admit that I HATE YOUUUUUUU~

Novel Suami Aku Ustaz in reality

Assalamua'alaikum.. hi blogger friends! :)
Good Morning woohoooo... let's start our day with brighten smile ^___^

Today.. mood in unstable (SAD, HAPPY, ANGRY OPPSS HUNGRY) haha  BE A LITTLE NAUGHTY.. hmm dunno why :P

About (SUAMI AKU USTAZ's novel) I've finished reading an interesting NOVEL fuhhh finally. It's about a USTAZ and a girl STUDENT who was forced by her parents to get married with an Ustaz to protected her when their parents go to performed UMRAH (kena kahwin paksa rela la kiranya)

Firstly, the Ustaz is very good looking and pious guy awww melting haha Ustaz name is Hafiz woww!! Hafiz means a good memorizing in al quran 30 juzk AWESOME mannnn~ perfect man to me opsss I mean PERFECT GUY to Alisa ;)

Secondly, Alisa's character in super crazy girl (naughty + clever + friendly + happy go lucky) I think she is are really luckiest girl in the world because she can get married with her COUSIN (Ustaz Hafiz)
Ustaz Hafiz seems be a little naughty when he with Alisa (hmm actually Ustaz Hafiz already affectionate with lisa (short name by Alisa) since they were young) He has crushed with Lisa already, Alisa is a cute girl but a little naughty and SELAMBA person (tak kisah ler taramm je apa dengan Ustaz Hafiz nie even Hafiz is her Hubby ewww HUSBAND)

Thirdly, Lisa is a stubborn wife and Hafiz always need to teached her "how to respect him" "how to take care her husband" "what's favourite of her husband and what's her husband dislikes" hehe so sweet of Ustaz Hafiz. I'm so respected Ustaz Hafiz because he's so patient guy when he doesn't touch alisa even Lisa is his real wife and their marriage is legal, after lisa finished SPM's exam and then ustaz hafiz touched lisa, that was a officially their "first night" wooot2x penyabar betul ustaz hafiz, ikan depan mata dia tak usik langsung haha and the most quotation I remembered from the novel is "Alisa you must wear sweater when rided a motorcyle because, a white uniform...raining.. you" (nahh amekauu ustaz cakap lagu tu) *i have goose bumps*

Fourthly, they are happy together after Alisa knows that Hafiz ACTUALLY love her because of Allah (uhubbuki lillah)  Alisa got a son that his biological children and one adopt child, the childrens makes Ustaz Hafiz and her wife be a happy couple in the world because they are have face a many challenges through in their life (sour + sweet's life)

This story is really a sweetest and have an islamic couple love story beside in reality no couple before nikah! the story between Alisa and Hafiz makes me realized something that in our life we can happy even we nikah at young time just believe and put trust in Allah (He KNOWS THE BEST IN OUR LIFE) even though Alisa don't love his husband at the first but lastly her husband makes ALISA falls in love with him because of he is a pious guy and he knows about islam a lot that can be guided Alisa into the RIGHT PATH.

Hope they will be happy ever after and I can meet a person like USTAZ HAFIZ ahaksss..