Tuesday 12 November 2013

Who owns my heart, is it love or ego

I dunno what happen to my heart, since I can't focus on study right now... Thinking about him, hope for a miracle that he will call me but my expectation doesn't seem appear to real.
I'm disappointed about it.
Arghhhhh come on I know I can do it!!
Right guys..  Just keep my eyes close and take a deep breath....... Huhhhhh
But........ Just forget about it.
I wanna sharing with you guys
I think my heart is being stolen by somebody already, maybe... Who knows right??
I'm not ego I wanna protects my heart from hurt.
I can't confess my real feeling to him
Too much of thought -___-'
I'm so sick about this.
My heart beats skipping and I feel like my brain will exploded whenever I think about you.... وحشتني a capital letter A