Sunday 18 November 2012

The secret is revealed

Assalamua'laikum to my fellow friends..
I don't know how to start my story so I made summary to tell my story.
Last night, I was shocked when I know the truth from my friend.
Finally the secret about one year has revealed when the person that I trusted so much told me something I don't know and I REALLY WANT TO KNOW! Thanks my friend :-)
You! Stop disturbing me and told me that you love me, you are such a liar, I shouldn't believe you at the first, you makes me and my feeling as a jokes! Arghh enough is ENOUGH!!
Now I know who are you and who you are? You're hiding behind your innocent face, your good behaviour but now I'm not stupid anymore to believe in everything you do! Thanks Allah because I never accepted your 'FALSE LOVE'

"I'VE never fall in love with any guy in the world... but just melting when see pious guy :P"